My arduino cannot connect to cloud

Recently I was download the BLYNK and install in the Mobile phone and test is working very well on that day, after that second day I was try to connect back again the apps I completed ,my mobile phone blynk apps show offline try to online via my computer and mobile phone using USB Serial Port cannot connect totally and I was try 3-day but is fail to reconnect ,I need help thanks .


This post must be under Issues & Errors category… so the developers will take note of your problem faster …

Have you tried to reinstall the Blynk app?

Hi, trystan4861

I have try reinstall my BLYNK and also ARDUINO IDE and restart my PC almost 5 times but is same thing below is the message from my PC.

Connecting device at COM1 to
OpenC0C(): CreateFile("\.\COM1") ERROR No such file or directory (2)
Reconnecting in 3s…

I cannot reconnect again after that , I just park one side. need help

Thank You

Can you share your code?

I was try to connect blink to laptop I able to connect cloud and is working well in my Dell Laptop. When I connect my DELL PC I received the error message finally I found this trouble. So what I should do for this error message? My operating system in pc is Window7 64bit machine.

Thank You

I doubt very much if your Arduino is actually connected to Com1 on your PC.
Look at the serial ports in Device Manager without your Arduino connected. You probably already have a Com1.
Now connect your Arduino and see what additional Com port appears. This is the one to use for your connection command/script.


The communication com port in arduino is all correct , in my laptop is working well the same program. in my PC window7 is not works ,any how i will do troubleshooting to makes works.
