LED and LCD widgets

And check your spelling, no little r in TIMER :wink:

Also, while you donā€™t appear to be using the serial monitorā€¦ you have an extra 0 in the BAUD rate :slight_smile: should be only 115200

@Tom for reference with each instance of SimpleTimer i.e. GarageTimer you can have up to 10 functions / subroutines. In your case I think you only need one function / subroutine but has you develop your projects you will need more functions / subroutines but not normally more than one instance of SimpleTimer unless it is a very complex project.

So an example of the lines required for general use of SimpleTimer, with all the Blynk stuff excluded would be:

// Blynk libraries for your specific connection method go here

#include <SimpleTimer.h>

SimpleTimer GarageTimer

void setup() {
  // put your Blynk connection code here
  GarageTimer.setInterval(1000L, function1); // do something at 1s intervals
  GarageTimer.setInterval(5000L, function2); // do something at 5s intervals
  // more functions / subroutines if required
  GarageTimer.setInterval(30000L, function10); // do something at 30s intervals

void function1(){
  // some code here

void function2(){
  // some code here

void function10(){
  // some code here

void loop() {
  // normally just Blynk.run() here

You wouldnā€™t use names like function1, function2 though, obviously something meaningful based on what the function does.


And now?

Regarding V5, what i have to set to V5 in Blynk App?
LCD Display i have to set for PUSH, but only LCD?

#include <SimpleTimer.h>

char auth[] = "********************";
char ssid[] = "*******";
char pass[] = "************";

WidgetLED led1(V2);//
WidgetLED led2(V3);//
WidgetLCD lcd(V4);

SimpleTimer GarageTIMER;


void setup()

Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);

pinMode(13,OUTPUT); //

GarageTIMER.setInterval(1000L, sensorcheck);


if (param.asInt() == 0)
digitalWrite(13, LOW); //GPIO13
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // GPIO13


void sensorcheck()
if (digitalRead(4)) // GPIO4

} else {

int garageSensorSW = digitalRead(4); // GPIO4
if (garageSensorSW == LOW)

lcd.print(1, 0, "GARAGE IS CLOSED"); // LCD print, column 1, row 0.

lcd.print(1, 0, "GARAGE IS OPEN"); // LCD print, column 1, row 0

blynk.virtualWrite(V5, millis() / 1000); //do i need this line, and what is V5 in Blynk App?



void loop()


You donā€™t need the V5 it is just an example. In the example sketch you would have a value display widget on V5 and it would update (like a clock) every second. Comment it out.

Your sketch looks much better but you are missing all your Blynk libraries.


okay i will add the libaries and then i hope it runs.

Regarding V5, so i can remove the following line?

blynk.virtualWrite(V5, millis() / 1000);

Yes that line can be removed. For reference everything is case sensitive so Blynk.virtualWrite not blynk.virtualWrite.

Thank you Costas. I will try i will report in the evening.

@Tom as pointed out by @Gunner donā€™t forget to change the baud from 1152000 to 115200.


Can you tell me what is my problem?

Garage_1:116: error: expected ā€˜}ā€™ at end of input
exit status 1
invalid conversion from ā€˜void (*)()ā€™ to ā€˜intā€™ [-fpermissive]

I think around line 116 you are missing a closing bracket }
Can you post your code and I will check in my compiler.

But where?
Can i switch on line number in arduino?

void setup()

Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);

pinMode(13,OUTPUT); //

GarageTIMER.setInterval(1000L, sensorcheck);


line 116 is my last line in my programm you find as written tomorrow morning.
here i close with }

In File, Preferences there is a tick box.

Just means the error is somewhere else, the compiler messages can be a bit cryptic at times.

void loop()


should be:

void loop()
   GarageTIMER.run();  // you missed the ;

i have added the ; but no function.

perhaps i have a problem with the libary simpletimer. I go to github, copy the libery.h and libary.cpp the complete content i copy in two files and safe, or?

You must install SIX libraries manually as per the release notes at https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-library/releases/tag/v0.4.4

You donā€™t have to setup the /tools/ā€¦ just now.


GREAT, it works!!! Thanks for your support costas!!!

One question regarding API, if i want to trigger from world wide, do i have to give free an port from my router?

No just make the API calls as per the docs.


You mean this http://docs.blynkapi.apiary.io/# ???

Yes that shows you what to put in a browser, curl, PHP etc to control your hardware if you donā€™t want to use the fantastic Blynk app.