HELP! events.js:87 throw Error

Hi folks. I’m trying to run the Blynk client (blynk-client.js) from my Raspberry Pi 3.0. It runs fine for a while, but eventually I get an error and cannot control the RasPi from my iPhone using Blynk app which tells me the ‘device is offline’. The error listed is nearly exactly the “event.js:87 throw Error…” that is listed in the already solved thread below.

However, I’ve done the recommended procedure to fix it…but no joy. Here’s what I’ve done:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo npm install -g npm
sudo npm install -g onoff
sudo npm install -g blynk-library

I suspect the problem is that ‘node’ is not updating. My current listed node -v is v0.12.6, but I think the latest version is v7.6.0. When I ‘apt list -a nodejs’ it responds:

nodejs/unknown,now 7.6.0-1nodesource1~jessie1 armhf [installed]

My current version of npm is 4.3.0.

What am I doing wrong? I’m struggling to solve this and I’m likely missing something obvious because I’m a slight noob to the RasPi and Blynk. Any help is greatly appreciated.
