Connecting over USB

Yesterday I started using Ethernet shield therefore USB connection in no longer my concern. Arduino Mega + W5100 shield. So far it works very well. Great job I can now monitor my lights anywhere in the world. Next step is to implement some controll.

Great job Guys.
I think you on to something BIG.
You are going to be some sort of Facebook for “Intrnet of Things”
Good luck.


I’m trying to get my UNO working via USB on Windows 8.1 using the Arduino 1.6.5r2 IDE (from the ZIP file - not installed)

I’m getting this error when running blynk-ser.bat

Waiting for 0 seconds, press a key to continue …
OpenC0C(): CreateFile("\.\4") ERROR No such file or directory (2)
Reconnecting in 3s…

I guess I’m doing something wrong, but don’t know what :smile:


Problem solved

I entered only 4 when running the script and not COM4 :frowning:

Works now very nicely!

1 Like


Glad you resolved it by yourself =).

What program can i use to run the script? i have a mac…if that helps. Someone please help. I got the library up and running but what do i do with the script.


Did you read sketch comments?

 * 1. Optional, but recommended.
 *    Connect additional USB-serial adapter to see the prints.
 * 2. Edit auth token and upload this sketch.
 * 3. Run the script (script located in "scripts" folder of library root,
 *    e.g. 'blynk-library/scripts') for redirecting traffic to server:
 *      for Windows:         blynk-ser.bat
 *      for Linux and OSX:   ./ (may need to run with sudo)
 *    You can specify port, baud rate, and server endpoint like this:
 *      ./ -c <serial port> -b <baud rate> -s <server address> -p <server port>
 *    For instance :
 *      ./ -c /dev/ttyACM0 -b 9600 -s -p 8442
 *    Run -h for more information
 *    Be sure to select the right serial port (there may be multiple).
 *    Attention!
 *        Arduino IDE may complain with "programmer is not responding".
 *        You need to terminate script before uploading new sketch.
 * 4. Start blynking! :)

Yes, but im still confused. Do i change something in the script? im not sure how sudo works either. any other tips will help. i have been at this for several hours i really want to get this working


You don’t have to change something in the script. You run it as it is. So just go to library folder and than go to scripts folder. And run

sudo ./

That’s it. Or you getting some errors when running it?

Alright, after i run it it asks me for a password?

Sudo command means you’ll run a command having the privileges of the root user(administrator)

You should input your Mac user account password. The one that you use to login to mac.

i tried putting my password but it does not work.Also sometimes the sudo command will not work , it will say “no such file or directory”


do you run this command from scripts folder of blynk library?

i run it from script folders. I go on terminal and type in sudo ./ it asks me for a password and i put my user password. and it says “sorry”. Can i use visual studio to run it ?im a newbie i dont really know much.

sometimes this is what it shows up…This script uses socat utility, but could not find it


That’s bad =). It would be much simpler for you to use Ethernet. It will work just out of the box. But if you don’t have Ethernet-WiFi. So you have to install socat by yourself for Mac. That is not trivial.

You need to

sudo port install socat

But “port” also may be no installed on Mac =). So you have to install MacPorts. See for instance this. Hope this helps.

yeah there was a link to do that…but im not going into that haha. i have windows installed on mac. im going to try using that, since i now know how it works i think it will be alright…While i wait for ethernet shield to come. Thanks a lot for your help! really appreciate

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I’m excited to give this a shot, however, my attempts at connecting the app to the board have failed miserably. I can’t seem to get the board past “[0] Getting IP…” In my own terminal, I get the following when trying to run the script:

Connecting: GOPEN:/dev/cu.usbmodem1451,raw,echo=0,clocal=1,cs8,nonblock=1,ixoff=0,ixon=0,ispeed=9600,ospeed=9600,crtscts=0 <->,cafile=/Users/aaron/Downloads/blynk-library-0.2.4/scripts/certs/server.crt,nodelay
2015/08/02 15:37:08 socat[45091.140735221183232] N opening character device "/dev/cu.usbmodem1451" for reading and writing
2015/08/02 15:37:08 socat[45091.140735221183232] N opening connection to LEN=16 AF=2
2015/08/02 15:37:08 socat[45091.140735221183232] N successfully connected from local address LEN=16 AF=2
2015/08/02 15:37:09 socat[45091.140735221183232] N trusting certificate, commonName matches
2015/08/02 15:37:09 socat[45091.140735221183232] N SSL connection using AES128-SHA
2015/08/02 15:37:09 socat[45091.140735221183232] N SSL connection compression "none"
2015/08/02 15:37:09 socat[45091.140735221183232] N SSL connection expansion "none"
2015/08/02 15:37:09 socat[45091.140735221183232] N starting data transfer loop with FDs [5,5] and [6,6]
2015/08/02 15:37:25 socat[45091.140735221183232] N socket 2 (fd 6) is at EOF
2015/08/02 15:37:25 socat[45091.140735221183232] W cannot restore terminal settings on fd 5: Bad file descriptor
2015/08/02 15:37:25 socat[45091.140735221183232] N exiting with status 0
Reconnecting in 3s...

After a bit of research, this seems to be a socat issue. I’ve also tried changing the SER, TCP, SSL settings in the script, forwarding the ports, and rebooting my router. Any thoughts, helps, or existing posts are welcome.

Hi guys, i’m super excited i got my Blynk blinking my LED^.^ Now, i’m here to pay it back.

Firstly, i assume the following:
-App downloaded and created new project. The button widget OUTPUT is designated D9.
-Library for arduino is downloaded here and the library is installed. <note. if you have not installed, just follow this: in arduino IDE, go to sketch->include library->add .ZIP library (Do not unzip the library. just add it whole)
-Physical circuit is already connected. LED hooked up to pin 9 on arduino.

Step 1
Launch the Blynk app. At the Hex nut icon (beside the play icon), send a copy of the authentication token to your email. Copy this token code from your email.

Step 2
Open up arduino IDE and go to the examples tab and find the BlynkBlink sketch.
The ONLY thing you need to do here is to input your token code. It should come with the " " as well. so mine is

char auth[] = “d87c6fb696bc32hsg1dc16c5b73643b3”;

Then upload the sketch.

Step 3
Unzip the library you downloaded above and then locate this file blynk-ser.bat in the scripts folder. Right click and edit the file with notepad. Here i change ONLY 1 THING, on the 6th line(inclusive of blank spaces) to COM7. (because that is the port my arduino is connected on). Then save and exit,

Final step.
Double click on the blynk-ser.bat you just edited.
This will launch a cmd. window. Next, you press the play symbol on the Blynk app and it will work. BAM.

Hope this works for you. I spent like 1hr trying to piece eveything tgt. total noob here, so you should be on par or even better. Have fun and please support the nice people at Blynk for more fantastic goodies^.^


I have USB connectivity .when I place the token and upload it .it shows compile error.

Are you uploading correct sketch?