Blynk unresponsive after random time (Heartbeat Timeout)

Hi guys, my problem is after random time blynk does not work at all, but if I kill the app and launch it again works perfect, I do not know why this happen, i’m using an iphone 7 with the latest version available, Any ideas?

#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <DHT.h>
#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include "MUX74HC4067.h"


const int RelePin = 2;
const int RelePin2 = 14;

const int sensorIn = A0;
int mVperAmp = 66; // Use 100 for 20A Module and 66 for 30A Module

double Voltage = 0;
double VRMS = 0;
double AmpsRMS = 0;

unsigned long inicio, fin, transcurrido;

unsigned int chequeado = 0;

unsigned long codeValue;

MUX74HC4067 mux(D0, D1);

//OneWire ourWire(D1);        //Se establece el D1  como bus OneWire

//DallasTemperature sensors(&ourWire); //Se declara una variable u objeto para nuestro sensor

#define DHTPIN 13         // Definimos el pin al que conectaremos el DHT22

WidgetTerminal terminal(V21);

// definimos que tipo de DHT estaerror lectura temperaturamos usando
#define DHTTYPE DHT22   // DHT 22, AM2302, AM2321


//SimpleTimer timer;

BlynkTimer timer;

IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);

decode_results results; //Variable que alamacena resultados- b3ae4026b9f44f5eb6d28cb2cd385d0d

char auth[] = "";
char ssid[] = "";
char pass[] = "";

IRsend irsend(4); //LED emisor INFRA conectado en PIN 4

int khz = 38;

//Señal infrarroja de apagado AIRE
unsigned int OFF[] = {9022, 4016, 603, 612, 601, 587, 603, 613, 600, 588, 601, 612, 603, 588, 599, 613, 601, 589, 598, 1616, 602, 589, 599, 613, 601, 1592, 598, 613, 601, 591, 625, 586, 600, 613, 602, 586, 601, 618, 594, 589, 603, 612, 599, 589, 602, 1615, 598, 1592, 601, 613, 598, 589, 601, 613, 600, 587, 602, 612, 602, 1589, 599, 614, 601, 1589, 601, 613, 601, 588, 599, 1616, 600, 589, 600, 20001, 599, 613, 601, 589, 621, 590, 599, 590, 625, 584, 601, 613, 572, 615, 600, 614, 597, 590, 600, 613, 599, 588, 600, 612, 602, 587, 600, 1615, 601, 586, 600, 613, 601, 589, 599, 613, 600, 588, 626, 585, 602, 591, 623, 585, 601, 612, 574, 614, 602, 612, 599, 589, 601, 612, 600, 589, 599, 1615, 599, 588, 601, 1614, 600, 587, 602};

//Señal infrarroja de encendido AIRE
unsigned int ON[] =  {9019, 4017, 601, 613, 601, 588, 600, 613, 601, 1591, 599, 613, 602, 588, 599, 614, 600, 590, 621, 1593, 600, 591, 596, 614, 602, 1591, 599, 613, 602, 591, 650, 560, 602, 612, 574, 614, 602, 614, 596, 590, 601, 612, 599, 589, 600, 1616, 599, 1591, 601, 613, 598, 589, 601, 614, 600, 588, 600, 614, 601, 1590, 601, 612, 601, 1590, 601, 613, 601, 589, 599, 1617, 600, 588, 601, 20014, 601, 613, 601, 589, 651, 561, 601, 613, 602, 587, 601, 613, 572, 615, 602, 614, 597, 590, 600, 614, 601, 588, 601, 612, 601, 589, 599, 1616, 600, 588, 600, 614, 601, 588, 599, 613, 601, 592, 623, 587, 600, 614, 601, 587, 601, 614, 599, 589, 601, 613, 599, 589, 601, 613, 601, 589, 600, 1616, 601, 587, 601, 1616, 601, 1590, 602};

unsigned int aire24[] =  {9040, 3990, 629, 1588, 599, 588, 605, 614, 595, 1591, 602, 1615, 598, 1598, 624, 587, 597, 591, 602, 612, 599, 589, 602, 613, 599, 1592, 602, 612, 600, 589, 629, 586, 600, 588, 602, 614, 627, 561, 601, 613, 601, 589, 623, 589, 602, 1591, 627, 1587, 628, 1565, 628, 585, 602, 590, 625, 587, 627, 564, 626, 1589, 602, 589, 628, 1587, 629, 563, 624, 589, 600, 1593, 624, 588, 601, 19992, 650, 587, 596, 590, 629, 586, 599, 589, 602, 613, 599, 590, 627, 587, 600, 588, 626, 588, 600, 589, 599, 613, 627, 565, 624, 587, 626, 1568, 626, 585, 602, 590, 595, 616, 627, 587, 599, 588, 657, 557, 599, 588, 629, 585, 625, 564, 600, 612, 601, 589, 599, 615, 628, 560, 599, 613, 602, 1592, 626, 585, 627, 1565, 626, 1589, 628};

unsigned int ventilador[] =  {9034, 3994, 626, 1593, 571, 1619, 601, 593, 593, 1620, 629, 1569, 595, 1621, 623, 1569, 624, 590, 599, 593, 624, 586, 624, 591, 598, 1593, 600, 615, 574, 614, 602, 614, 572, 618, 625, 588, 599, 589, 628, 588, 598, 590, 600, 616, 600, 1591, 627, 1592, 572, 616, 627, 588, 598, 592, 625, 589, 600, 590, 598, 1618, 627, 564, 625, 1592, 599, 590, 626, 590, 599, 1593, 625, 588, 600, 19998, 651, 1566, 598, 615, 625, 566, 596, 617, 599, 592, 596, 614, 628, 590, 570, 617, 627, 589, 595, 593, 625, 588, 600, 590, 600, 614, 601, 1591, 601, 616, 597, 592, 598, 614, 626, 567, 597, 614, 628, 566, 620, 590, 625, 591, 599, 590, 600, 615, 596, 590, 629, 588, 570, 615, 599, 617, 599, 1590, 630, 1588, 573, 1621, 625, 1589, 600};

unsigned int Grados20[] = {8928, 4080, 539, 1679, 540, 674, 516, 674, 567, 1623, 569, 1678, 515, 1652, 568, 647, 542, 645, 544, 805, 406, 674, 542, 1651, 567, 649, 541, 673, 541, 647, 594, 596, 595, 620, 540, 755, 461, 621, 566, 677, 540, 622, 566, 674, 539, 1652, 541, 1677, 567, 1652, 540, 702, 512, 641, 524, 649, 566, 673, 513, 1652, 567, 647, 570, 1619, 570, 648, 540, 647, 540, 1703, 517, 648, 566, 20024, 593, 700, 490, 752, 462, 673, 513, 673, 540, 650, 566, 648, 541, 648, 567, 621, 568, 646, 568, 623, 591, 620, 568, 622, 539, 703, 539, 1652, 541, 672, 545, 697, 516, 620, 569, 622, 592, 622, 591, 623, 567, 676, 513, 673, 514, 646, 543, 701, 542, 645, 568, 597, 564, 702, 516, 672, 540, 1624, 594, 620, 567, 647, 569, 1650, 542};

unsigned int Grados21[] = {8956, 4053, 571, 1650, 567, 620, 595, 622, 568, 1649, 540, 1679, 513, 1677, 542, 647, 541, 673, 543, 1649, 571, 644, 544, 1650, 569, 595, 620, 619, 543, 672, 567, 622, 567, 621, 594, 621, 568, 619, 568, 700, 489, 672, 542, 649, 567, 1678, 515, 1675, 543, 1623, 569, 621, 591, 622, 570, 646, 595, 619, 569, 1622, 598, 593, 567, 1656, 562, 647, 540, 677, 540, 1624, 568, 647, 568, 20026, 620, 622, 541, 647, 564, 676, 515, 676, 539, 649, 542, 700, 542, 620, 567, 620, 571, 672, 541, 621, 567, 674, 515, 703, 547, 689, 491, 1626, 542, 701, 540, 673, 461, 699, 569, 646, 566, 623, 567, 646, 568, 646, 542, 673, 516, 673, 541, 646, 593, 593, 571, 647, 568, 619, 540, 649, 593, 620, 569, 1648, 623, 594, 542, 1647, 570};

unsigned int Grados22[] = {9003, 4045, 572, 1619, 623, 591, 572, 616, 598, 1617, 571, 1618, 599, 1618, 598, 587, 626, 590, 570, 616, 626, 1591, 570, 1618, 627, 568, 593, 616, 623, 590, 571, 616, 599, 614, 599, 589, 625, 588, 571, 618, 599, 615, 623, 564, 598, 1617, 597, 1592, 602, 1613, 596, 593, 599, 614, 598, 589, 626, 586, 600, 1596, 594, 616, 623, 1564, 624, 590, 601, 589, 596, 1617, 625, 565, 624, 19959, 642, 591, 624, 591, 571, 617, 622, 589, 572, 616, 626, 586, 575, 613, 598, 616, 597, 591, 651, 562, 598, 590, 597, 615, 599, 590, 624, 1589, 600, 590, 598, 614, 600, 592, 595, 617, 597, 618, 569, 617, 623, 591, 571, 615, 624, 591, 571, 617, 626, 588, 597, 591, 625, 591, 596, 592, 597, 1617, 596, 1596, 596, 616, 598, 1594, 621};

unsigned int Grados23[] = {8953, 4141, 395, 1742, 556, 716, 500, 671, 513, 1680, 514, 1699, 517, 1673, 461, 855, 415, 725, 461, 1730, 492, 1620, 568, 1676, 564, 623, 540, 699, 492, 724, 462, 728, 513, 674, 516, 835, 269, 781, 514, 748, 520, 646, 489, 673, 539, 1704, 488, 1702, 516, 1647, 567, 623, 619, 592, 543, 645, 596, 673, 487, 1627, 589, 730, 432, 1675, 565, 677, 442, 774, 535, 1628, 540, 674, 541, 20043, 570, 657, 532, 726, 486, 726, 462, 675, 538, 754, 456, 682, 513, 672, 546, 707, 478, 716, 498, 705, 485, 764, 449, 673, 541, 640, 548, 1732, 459, 624, 564, 701, 542, 620, 622, 594, 538, 675, 540, 673, 516, 674, 566, 654, 536, 672, 514, 673, 542, 647, 541, 649, 566, 674, 543, 619, 565, 650, 566, 714, 473, 1679, 513, 1704, 513};

unsigned int Grados24[] = {8976, 4046, 569, 1620, 596, 595, 595, 615, 598, 1618, 571, 1619, 597, 1593, 598, 616, 597, 616, 598, 590, 595, 617, 596, 591, 624, 1592, 570, 619, 596, 617, 569, 619, 595, 617, 596, 591, 597, 617, 569, 641, 569, 623, 592, 617, 572, 1619, 594, 1597, 595, 1619, 595, 592, 598, 641, 596, 565, 597, 616, 625, 1566, 596, 617, 595, 1593, 599, 615, 596, 592, 598, 1619, 595, 593, 595, 20009, 597, 618, 596, 617, 573, 616, 597, 616, 571, 616, 598, 616, 570, 617, 597, 619, 568, 619, 597, 617, 595, 592, 621, 617, 597, 566, 597, 1621, 618, 567, 622, 589, 597, 591, 624, 588, 598, 617, 594, 592, 598, 615, 570, 617, 597, 640, 546, 618, 594, 619, 595, 592, 598, 639, 570, 592, 624, 1593, 593, 592, 596, 1620, 569, 1620, 596};

unsigned int Grados25[] = {9027, 4019, 571, 1619, 599, 614, 573, 617, 598, 1617, 571, 1621, 599, 1594, 597, 614, 628, 586, 573, 1620, 599, 613, 573, 616, 600, 1617, 573, 616, 626, 588, 571, 617, 627, 587, 571, 616, 600, 615, 623, 564, 600, 616, 623, 565, 598, 1618, 597, 1591, 627, 1593, 623, 564, 597, 616, 599, 590, 625, 589, 598, 1593, 626, 588, 598, 1593, 626, 588, 626, 566, 597, 1618, 597, 591, 626, 19985, 626, 588, 624, 591, 571, 616, 599, 616, 572, 617, 598, 615, 598, 591, 625, 590, 597, 591, 599, 615, 599, 589, 626, 589, 626, 565, 595, 1617, 627, 563, 599, 616, 625, 565, 595, 616, 599, 617, 596, 590, 601, 615, 572, 615, 627, 587, 574, 617, 625, 588, 598, 592, 626, 589, 596, 593, 597, 617, 598, 1591, 629, 1593, 623, 1563, 600};

unsigned int Grados26[] = {9025,4017,574,1616,625,584,604,588,624,1570,595,1618,624,1566,625,586,626,566,595,614,599,1593,622,589,627,1567,594,615,600,614,599,590,599,615,571,615,600,614,571,616,626,588,597,589,627,1590,596,1593,599,614,598,589,599,615,625,564,626,586,600,1589,625,589,600,1590,600,614,599,588,599,1617,598,590,598,20010,598,617,598,590,625,588,654,558,573,615,628,586,597,590,599,616,596,591,626,587,599,589,600,614,599,590,625,1590,599,589,600,615,599,590,622,590,600,592,619,590,600,615,573,616,624,588,571,616,600,614,597,591,627,588,597,590,600,1616,626,1564,626,1591,572,1618,654};

unsigned int Grados27[] = {9081, 3966, 626, 1568, 623, 587, 627, 565, 622, 1594, 599, 1591, 626, 1589, 628, 563, 625, 588, 628, 1564, 626, 1592, 626, 563, 623, 1594, 599, 590, 625, 585, 630, 561, 626, 588, 626, 565, 623, 588, 626, 588, 599, 588, 600, 615, 597, 1594, 626, 1590, 602, 1588, 628, 587, 573, 614, 629, 586, 572, 615, 627, 1588, 575, 614, 601, 1616, 571, 615, 629, 587, 597, 1593, 629, 585, 599, 20011, 599, 590, 602, 614, 599, 590, 628, 584, 602, 589, 598, 615, 626, 564, 624, 587, 602, 612, 599, 592, 627, 585, 573, 616, 626, 588, 571, 1619, 626, 587, 577, 612, 626, 587, 599, 589, 628, 586, 625, 563, 601, 615, 627, 563, 623, 589, 601, 590, 625, 587, 625, 567, 594, 615, 626, 589, 597, 593, 625, 587, 596, 592, 625, 587, 600};

unsigned int Grados28[] = {9061, 3992, 629, 1564, 602, 612, 628, 563, 624, 1590, 630, 1563, 601, 1617, 599, 588, 602, 614, 626, 562, 603, 612, 628, 1564, 627, 1589, 598, 590, 629, 585, 629, 559, 600, 614, 601, 587, 601, 612, 602, 590, 598, 613, 629, 585, 573, 1618, 627, 1568, 624, 1591, 625, 565, 624, 587, 602, 591, 594, 614, 602, 1595, 595, 615, 628, 1566, 597, 615, 600, 613, 600, 1591, 603, 611, 599, 19992, 620, 588, 629, 587, 627, 561, 601, 613, 626, 562, 600, 612, 602, 588, 627, 587, 601, 589, 599, 613, 629, 565, 593, 614, 629, 585, 598, 1592, 629, 586, 598, 588, 603, 613, 599, 587, 628, 586, 628, 560, 601, 613, 602, 587, 601, 612, 629, 562, 626, 584, 603, 591, 624, 585, 602, 613, 573, 1618, 602, 612, 573, 614, 628, 588, 598};

unsigned int Grados29[] = {9016, 3995, 597, 1616, 603, 588, 625, 587, 602, 1592, 599, 1617, 625, 1567, 601, 611, 605, 588, 599, 1616, 654, 537, 624, 1590, 603, 1591, 628, 587, 627, 563, 624, 586, 631, 560, 627, 585, 602, 593, 595, 615, 602, 612, 596, 590, 656, 1562, 574, 1618, 629, 1567, 597, 614, 627, 586, 574, 616, 628, 586, 597, 1594, 628, 587, 595, 1594, 628, 587, 599, 590, 600, 1618, 571, 617, 626, 19988, 602, 613, 600, 589, 627, 587, 626, 563, 627, 585, 628, 563, 626, 586, 626, 565, 624, 588, 627, 587, 571, 616, 628, 587, 598, 590, 600, 1617, 598, 590, 627, 588, 597, 590, 626, 586, 605, 584, 627, 586, 630, 561, 599, 611, 631, 562, 625, 586, 627, 586, 574, 615, 628, 584, 574, 616, 629, 583, 599, 1593, 628, 585, 599, 588, 602};

unsigned int Grados30[] = {9004, 4044, 572, 1618, 600, 615, 570, 617, 598, 1617, 572, 1617, 628, 1564, 623, 588, 599, 592, 593, 616, 626, 1589, 572, 1617, 626, 1564, 598, 611, 628, 565, 620, 589, 628, 588, 595, 590, 627, 588, 598, 589, 625, 590, 597, 590, 599, 1618, 598, 1592, 626, 1590, 597, 591, 601, 614, 597, 589, 654, 559, 600, 1592, 599, 614, 598, 1592, 600, 614, 597, 589, 628, 1589, 600, 589, 627, 19958, 649, 586, 625, 565, 598, 612, 628, 588, 598, 589, 625, 588, 572, 616, 625, 588, 598, 590, 627, 586, 598, 590, 624, 588, 626, 562, 600, 1615, 599, 590, 624, 588, 627, 563, 624, 587, 628, 562, 626, 587, 625, 565, 623, 586, 600, 614, 570, 616, 627, 588, 597, 591, 625, 589, 599, 588, 628, 1588, 597, 1593, 629, 584, 598, 589, 629};

unsigned int fanLow[] = {9013,4021,623,1592,604,1588,602,612,603,1590,601,1614,603,587,601,611,603,588,600,1617,602,587,601,613,603,1590,601,612,603,588,601,611,603,589,625,586,602,612,601,588,603,611,600,588,602,1618,598,1591,603,612,599,589,603,613,600,587,603,613,602,1589,603,612,602,1591,602,611,603,587,602,1614,603,585,603,19995,621,612,603,588,601,611,603,589,624,587,603,611,599,589,603,612,600,588,603,612,602,586,603,612,603,588,600,1615,603,585,603,612,603,586,602,611,603,589,599,612,603,590,623,587,602,612,599,589,604,610,600,588,603,613,600,588,625,587,603,587,602,611,603,588,599};

unsigned int fanMed[] = {9035,3993,602,1615,598,1593,629,585,627,1565,657,557,598,1594,626,589,597,590,630,1589,624,564,629,585,599,1592,602,614,599,588,629,585,601,588,627,587,628,561,628,586,602,588,629,583,629,1564,625,1590,629,562,600,613,602,588,600,612,601,590,596,1619,602,590,596,1618,602,590,596,615,601,1591,600,613,627,19965,625,612,599,590,602,612,599,589,627,587,628,561,628,586,630,559,602,613,602,587,601,613,626,567,594,616,628,1564,599,613,629,587,573,614,603,613,599,589,628,587,600,588,602,613,626,562,601,612,602,588,600,614,600,590,623,586,603,590,596,616,601,612,597,591,628};

unsigned int fanHigh[] = {9012,4020,628,1585,572,1618,602,613,599,1594,599,1590,599,1614,602,588,600,611,603,1589,624,587,630,561,599,1615,602,587,600,612,602,590,594,615,601,613,598,588,602,613,600,586,603,612,601,1590,603,1613,600,589,602,612,600,588,627,587,600,588,601,1615,628,560,600,1615,603,587,624,589,601,1590,601,611,603,19977,650,562,626,585,601,588,597,614,602,610,574,615,601,612,599,588,601,612,599,588,601,611,604,586,626,586,602,1589,600,610,630,561,600,610,629,563,621,592,602,588,621,589,602,608,601,587,603,613,598,589,601,612,601,585,603,610,603,587,626,587,601,588,600,612,601};

void setup()
  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
  pinMode(RelePin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RelePin2, OUTPUT);
  // sensors.begin();   //Se inicia el sensor
  mux.signalPin(A0, INPUT, ANALOG);

  // Configuramos el timer para que se ejecute cada 2 segundos
  timer.setInterval(60000L, sendSensor);
  // timer.setInterval(50000L, TempExterior);
  // timer.setInterval(70000L, SensorGas);

  timer.setInterval(10000L, CurrentSensor);
  timer.setInterval(5000L, Multiplexor);

  irrecv.enableIRIn();  //Inicia receptor INFRA



  int onoff = param.asInt();
  if (onoff == 1) {

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

      irsend.sendNEC(0x20DF10EF, 32); // Prende TV Cuarto principal



    terminal.println("Prender TV Main") ;



  int mode = param.asInt();
  if (mode == 1) {


    terminal.println("Apaga Aire Main") ;
  //irsend.sendRaw(OFF, sizeof(OFF) / sizeof(OFF[0]), khz);  //Apaga aire
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
   irsend.sendRaw(OFF, 139, khz);  //Apaga aire
  /* else
            terminal.println("Apagar Aire Main") ;

    irsend.sendRaw(OFF, sizeof(OFF) / sizeof(OFF[0]), khz); //Apaga Aire Cuarto Principal




  int aireFrio = param.asInt();
  if (aireFrio == 1) {

   // irsend.sendRaw(aire24, sizeof(aire24) / sizeof(aire24[0]), khz);
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        irsend.sendRaw(aire24, 139, khz);}

Blynk.virtualWrite(V8, 24);



  int ventilador_1 = param.asInt();
  if (ventilador_1 == 1) {
      for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    irsend.sendRaw(ventilador, sizeof(ventilador) / sizeof(ventilador[0]), khz);



  // receive the step value as param.asInt() and then use switch to run different code
    case 20:
        irsend.sendRaw(Grados20, sizeof(Grados20) / sizeof(Grados20[0]), khz);    
    case 21:
    irsend.sendRaw(Grados21, sizeof(Grados21) / sizeof(Grados21[0]), khz);    
    case 22:
    irsend.sendRaw(Grados22, sizeof(Grados22) / sizeof(Grados22[0]), khz);    
    case 23:
    irsend.sendRaw(Grados23, sizeof(Grados23) / sizeof(Grados23[0]), khz);    
    case 24:
    irsend.sendRaw(Grados24, sizeof(Grados24) / sizeof(Grados24[0]), khz);   
    case 25:
    irsend.sendRaw(Grados25, sizeof(Grados25) / sizeof(Grados25[0]), khz);    
    case 26:
    irsend.sendRaw(Grados26, sizeof(Grados26) / sizeof(Grados26[0]), khz);    
    case 27:
    irsend.sendRaw(Grados27, sizeof(Grados27) / sizeof(Grados27[0]), khz);    
    case 28:
    irsend.sendRaw(Grados28, sizeof(Grados28) / sizeof(Grados28[0]), khz);   
    case 29:
    irsend.sendRaw(Grados29, sizeof(Grados29) / sizeof(Grados29[0]), khz);    
    case 30:
    irsend.sendRaw(Grados30, sizeof(Grados30) / sizeof(Grados30[0]), khz);    

  switch (param.asInt())
    case 1: // Item 1
      irsend.sendRC5(0x201, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0xA00, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0xA00, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0x201, 12);

    case 2: // Item 2
      irsend.sendRC5(0x201, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0xA00, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0xA00, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0x203, 12);

    case 3: // Item 3
 irsend.sendRC5(0x201, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0xA00, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0xA00, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0xA05, 12);
  case 4:  // Item 4

   irsend.sendRC5(0x201, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0xA00, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0x203, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0xA00, 12);

  case 5:  // Item 5

irsend.sendRC5(0x201, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0xA00, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0x201, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0xA07, 12);


 case 6:
irsend.sendRC5(0x201, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0xA00, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0x201, 12);
irsend.sendRC5(0x208, 12);



 case 7:

 irsend.sendRC5(0x203, 12);

case 8:

irsend.sendRC5(0xA04, 12);


case 9:

irsend.sendRC5(0x206, 12);

      Serial.println("Unknown item selected");

  switch (param.asInt())
    case 1: // Item 1
     Blynk.virtualWrite(V12, 1);
           irsend.sendRC5(0xA11, 12);


    case 2:
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V12, 2);
            irsend.sendRC5(0xA10, 12);



    BLYNK_WRITE(V15) {
  int fanspeed = param.asInt();
  if (fanspeed == 1) {


    irsend.sendRaw(fanHigh, sizeof(fanHigh) / sizeof(fanHigh[0]), khz); 


//Funcione lectura codigos INFRA

void dump(decode_results *results) {
  int count = results->rawlen;
  if (results->decode_type == UNKNOWN) {
    Serial.print("Unknown encoding: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == NEC) {
    Serial.print("Decoded NEC: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == SONY) {
    Serial.print("Decoded SONY: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == RC5) {
    Serial.print("Decoded RC5: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == RC6) {
    Serial.print("Decoded RC6: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == PANASONIC) {
    Serial.print("Decoded PANASONIC - Address: ");
    Serial.print(results->panasonicAddress, HEX);
    Serial.print(" Value: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == LG) {
    Serial.print("Decoded LG: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == JVC) {
    Serial.print("Decoded JVC: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == AIWA_RC_T501) {
    Serial.print("Decoded AIWA RC T501: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == WHYNTER) {
    Serial.print("Decoded Whynter: ");
  Serial.print(results->value, HEX);
  Serial.print(" (");
  Serial.print(results->bits, DEC);
  Serial.println(" bits)");
  Serial.print("Raw (");
  Serial.print(count, DEC);
  Serial.print("): ");

  for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
    if (i & 1) {
      Serial.print(results->rawbuf[i]*USECPERTICK, DEC);
    else {
      Serial.print((unsigned long) results->rawbuf[i]*USECPERTICK, DEC);
    Serial.print(" ");

void loop() {;; // Iniciamos SimpleTimer

  //Lectura codigos infrarrojos

  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {

    codeValue = (results.rawlen, DEC);


    int code = sizeof(aire24);


  //Lectura codigos infrarrojos*/


//Definimos funcion para el DHT22
void sendSensor()

  float  h = dht.readHumidity();
  float  t = dht.readTemperature(); // o dht.readTemperature(true) para mostrar la Tº en Fahrenheit
  float hic = dht.computeHeatIndex(t, h);


  if (isnan(h) || isnan(t)) {
    Serial.println("Error al leer datos del sensor");
    //   Serial.println(;
  // Puedes enviar cualquier datos en cualquier momento
  // pero no envíen más de 10 datos por segundo, sino su app no funcionará.
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, h);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, t);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V9, hic);

float value = millis() / (60*1000);
float horas = value / 60;

Blynk.virtualWrite(V20, horas);


  void TempExterior()
   sensors.requestTemperatures();   //Se envía el comando para leer la temperatura
  float temp= sensors.getTempCByIndex(0); //Se obtiene la temperatura en ºC

  Blynk.virtualWrite(V7, temp);
  Serial.print("Temperatura= ");
  Serial.println(" C");


  void relayStatus_1(){

  int relayState = digitalRead(RelePin);
  if (relayState == LOW)
  Serial.println("RELE1 LOW");
  } else {
  Serial.println("RELE1 HIGH");;


  void SensorGas()
  int mq2 = (analogRead(gasPin));

  if (mq2>400){

           gasDetected = "Se detectó gas butano";

           gasDetected= "Aire limpio";


  Blynk.virtualWrite(V9, gasDetected);


float getVPP()
  float result;
  int readValue;             // value read from the sensor
  int maxValue = 0;          // store max value here
  int minValue = 1024;       // store min value here

  uint32_t start_time = millis();
  while ((millis() - start_time) < 100) // sample for 1 Sec
    readValue = analogRead(sensorIn);
    // see if you have a new maxValue
    if (readValue > maxValue)
      /*record the maximum sensor value*/
      maxValue = readValue;
    if (readValue < minValue)
      /*record the minimum sensor value*/
      minValue = readValue;

  // Subtract min from max
  result = ((maxValue - minValue) * 5.0) / 1024.0;

  return result;

void CurrentSensor()

  Voltage = getVPP();
  VRMS = (Voltage / 2.0) * 0.707; //root 2 is 0.707
  AmpsRMS = (VRMS * 1000) / mVperAmp;

  /* Serial.print(AmpsRMS);
    Serial.println(" Amps RMS");*/

  //Blynk.virtualWrite(V9, AmpsRMS);
    Serial.println(" Amps RMS");

  if (AmpsRMS > 0.50) {
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, HIGH);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, LOW);


void Multiplexor()



  int data;

  // Reads from channel i. Returns a value from 0 to 1023
  data =;
  /* Serial.print("Potentiometer at channel ");
    Serial.print(" is at ");
    Serial.print((double)(data) * 100 / 1023);



void apagarAire() {
  irsend.sendRaw(OFF, sizeof(OFF) / sizeof(OFF[0]), khz); //Apaga Aire Cuarto Principal


void prenderAire() {

  irsend.sendRaw(ON, sizeof(ON) / sizeof(ON[0]), khz);  //Prende Aire Cuarto Principal


    if (isFirstConnect) {
  isFirstConnect = false;}
          terminal.println("Blynk se ha conectado") ;


You might want to have a look at my thread

Although we have not yet come to a definitive conclusion, in my case it seems like faulty hardware may be the issue - time will tell.

Can you be a bit more specific?

In what way “does not work at all”

  • Total screen freeze?
  • Is there any errors like: Device disconnected error? Blynk stopped responding error?
  • Do other Blynk App projects work?
  • Can you still edit the project or maneuver around in the App etc.
  • If you can tell, does the device/script keep running?

I think you get the drift… we need details :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

1 Like

There is no freeze, but for example, all buttons do not work at all, the animation when you press it works, but nothing happen, it’s like when you put a new button without any virtual pin assigned. Then when you close the app with the task manager and launch it again everything works perfect.

Thank you.

Can you uninstall and reinstall the Blynk App. Your projects are stored on the server so nothing will be lost.

I already did that, also I reinstall all Ios 11 of iPhone, my wife is using it in another iPhone with ios 10 with the same issue.

Cloud Server?

What version of Blynk Library was the hardware flashed with?

When exactly this happens? Is your app opened for a long time? Maybe some steps to reproduce?

Yes cloud server with the latest version available, 0.5.0 right?

Here are the steps:

I made a modification, for example I change a value from a variable, then I upload it to nodemcu, when I try it everything works perfect, then I leave my phone, when I want to use it again with the app closed or opened sometimes is unresponsive,for example I want to poweroff my AC but the button do nothing.
Then I kill the app, launch it again and everything works again.

In my main loop I have the IR Receiver reading for signals, can be a problem?

@maxi8815 hard to say. You may enable debug on MCU and check if buttons on app actually sends something. If not - problem definitely on the app side.

You would think a problem like this on the iOS App would have this forum swamped with issues… or was there a recent update?

I don’t think that many people “leave Blynk app open” for a long time. So right now I don’t know. We need to check that app actually doesn’t send anything and if so we can start investigation.

I do, but I keep forgetting… I is strange :crazy_face:

How can i do this? When this happen buttons does not send IR signals as expected, I know this cause I have the IR receiver and this not detects any signal when the app doesn’t work.

Can you add in something like a up-time counter and see if that also stops responding?


I already did that, but the Uptime is good, no resets. This is my uptime counter:

float value = millis() / (60*1000);
float horas = value / 60;

Blynk.virtualWrite(V20, horas);


So, the up-time keeps counting and displayed in the App but just no outgoing control?

I have to mention, that this is a random behavior, not always happen.