A QR Scanner Widget- Hear me out

Ever since @arduinewb posted his amazing Blynkubator sketch- notably the terminal program, I’ve been thinking of a good way to incorporate ‘routines.’ I am working on an indoor agriculture project (amazing project documentation soon to come, of course :wink: ) and we have routines- there is an incubation phase, and there are different, but specific climatic requirements for the 20 or so species we will be growing.


At the present, we’re using a mixture of sliders, and display widgets to change the climate conditions of our growing rooms- it works fine.

What would be awesome:

Rather than make changing the climate values a semi pain in the ass via an extensively coded terminal widget app like @arduinewb created (yes, an app within an app! :slight_smile: ) that contains every possible combination of species my farm will be growing, and force me to come back to the lab and fix settings every time we need a change, WHAT IF, what if, there was a simple qr code widget- that scans a code, and sends it to a virtual pin.

Here’s how I would use that.

My farmer bought a new species to grow- he prints out a QR code 0750950750 and adds it to a huge poster of other labeled qr codes on the side of the growing chamber. He presses the QR widget, scans the code, and immediately, the room conditions (and the slider widgets) are changed to 75 degrees F, 95% relative humidity, and 750 parts per million CO2.

When chamber 2 needs to be put into incubation phase, my farmer doesn’t need to do minute widget sliding, he just presses the button for the qr widget scans the QR code on the wall. if he wants to alter a routine he can just stick another qr code over the old one and I don’t even need to be involved.

Surely this could be used for many other things…



A qrcode scanner would be very nice top idea! I reals looking forward to your idear documentation.

@zeeko interesting idea - the only question I have


seems like merged values. So you separator here is 0?

@Dmitriy Yep- or something like that. I’d come up with a standardized format to give to my client (for making their own qr’s) that would always be parsable. This is just my totally unsearched first thought about what I would do if I could bring in a qr code value:

int a = 9575; //Number to be parsed for Humidity, then Temp in F

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int b = a % 10;
  int c = (a/10) % 10;
  int temp = (c*10)+b;
  int d = (a/100) % 10;
  int e = (a/1000) % 10;
  int humd = (e*10)+d;

Okay, I’m just going to leave this here for anyone interested, but there is an android QR code app- barcodescanner keyboard- that embeds a scanner icon in the keyboard- really easy to get a number value into say- the Blynk terminal widget. That said, this method isn’t nearly as cool as a (much smaller) barcode widget would be.
